seven months seems a lot like six months. huh, and people say babies grow up so fast.
vivi updates:
she likes her food like she likes her men, hot and mushy...
in the morning, she will sit in her bed quietly waiting for someone to notice her and pick her up
at night she will sit in her bed and wail at window shaking volumes until the neighbors notice her
she has amazing amazing care from 2 amazing sisters while we are at work...amazing
we are afraid to take her out of the house because of swine that overprotective or smart prevention? don't answer that.
she has a quick and ravenous shark bite that friggin hurts. i have been on the phone and screamed into the ears of listeners as she is going in for some blood and i am trying to prevent her from biting without hurting her (too much)
she misses her granny winnie...
she is annoyed by three dots in a row...